Tuesday, October 2, 2012

First day in England

EasyJet from Basel to Gatwick, 30 minute train to Victoria, and 10 minute cab to a dive hotel by Paddington called the Royal Cambridge. There was some kind of non-english-speaking senior-trip group staying there, clogging the lobby, playing soccer in the street until 1 am, and flooding their bathroom straight above ours causing water to pour through our ceiling. The management brought us extra towels.
Dick Aaron gave us excellent tips on what to see and do. Our first day, we were fascinated by the Tower of London, the number 15 bus line, and Westminster. Dru and Kelly went to Mama Mia at the Novello Theatre, and both loved it!  

Tower of London

Tower Bridge

The Shard (we thought it was broken)

The Elizabeth Tower, officially, but still Big Ben to us

Civics lesson

London Eye

Kelly and I saw Mama Mia


  1. You all look so stylish and cute!! More pictures more pictures! London is amazing, but I bet you're missing the beautiful Swiss Countryside. How fun!!

  2. Well Dru, guess who were at the Tower of London yesterday, too?? Enjoy your stay in London, there's so much to see and to do!!

  3. Hey you world travelers. Look at you cuties, along with Josh and Keith. The pictures are fab....but not as fab....as Switzerland. We are missing the Swiss greenery and the beautiful window boxes. How fun to see a stage play. Love to visit these places vicariously. Love, Juanita
